Increase the productivity of your mix preparation line thanks to the unique technological know-how of SACMI personnel who, after a visit at your factory, will be able to propose the best solution for each customer.


  • Productivity increase
  • Technological problem solving
  • Update of old machines

SACMI's technical and technological support is able to assess in detail the operation of each continuous mill (MTC/ MMC) and propose different production increase solutions according to Customer requirements. The production increase solutions (to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis) act on the existing plant and may be of various kinds:
  • Optimisation of operation, through appropriate changes: to the working parameters (power/speed), the configuration of the internal lining and the type and level of the grinding media;
  • Mechanical and/or electrical modification, such as: installation of an intermediate diaphragm, change from fixed to variable speed, replacement of the control panel with one of the latest generation;
  • Increasing the capacity of the grinding line with the introduction of a new MMC module, which can be installed either “in-line” with the existing mill or “stand-alone”.

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MTC Inverterisation and production increase

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